Want an EPUB Copy of Warrant for Damnation?

It’s done! The EPUB for Warrant for Damnation is done and ready for you to read. Yes, this is an old picture of the book. Still waiting on the new and improved cover. Here’s the new book description:

I thought I’d hit rock bottom when I pissed off Satan and ended up on Hell’s Most Wanted List. 

Then something worse happened. A fallen angel with a nun fetish and a desire to rob humans of free will showed up. He’s Azael, the deadbeat dad I’ve never known, and he wants me at his side, expanding his rein over demons and mankind. God’s pissed too but willing to give me asylum if I annihilate Azael. What? Me? Destroy a fallen angel? I think they’ve got the wrong guy!

Warrant for Damnation is the second book in the Angels Dark and Dumb series: “bad taste” horror comedy at its best. The series is know for its unique characters and dark humor. If you like slapstick, farce, and dark humor, you’re sure to have a damned good time!

This book takes Barry to new places with a bunch of new characters. Don’t worry, Margery the Demon is still the usual menace. Warrant for Damnation ties into Barry’s Dad’s introduction in Fall for Freedom, so if you find yourself wondering, you’ll want to read the prequel as well.

If you would like to read the book before it’s published, use my contact form to request it. I’ll email you a copy ASAP.

The Lydia Deetz portrait in Nagel style is also done. Currently, it’s only available to view on Deviant Art. Next week I’ll release it here.

Have a great week! I’m going into it feeling like I’ve finally accomplished something with this series after way to many years.

Elvira’s in the House

Here she is…Elvira. I love the way her eyes turned out. She’s quite suited for this style. I feel like I shorted her though. Elvira needs her boobs and dress and legs to really be represented properly. I may do her that way sometime in the future. She’s such a great character full bodied.

What else is up? More like what else is complete and ready to debut. Well, nothing. It’s funny how you can be very very busy and seem to not get anything done. That’s why I revisited my list of projects and am trying to stay focused on getting only one image in a series done at a time. Holly crap! What a list I’ve got.

Until next week, enjoy the Mistress of the Dark. She’s got me all caught up on sharing the Ladies of Horror in my blog. I’ll be back next week with Lydia Deetz…hopefully. She’s my main focus and almost done.

Revisiting a School Project Featuring the Grim Reaper

This week I’m revisiting a project from school a few years ago. I did this for my Illustration class. Believe it or not, Zap It! is a real product for swatting flies. Google it! We had to take the style from another artist and make an ad in that style for a modern day product. As usual, horror comedy was a theme in my work. As you may have guess, this was done in Adobe Illustrator.

For the artist, I chose Aubrey Beardsley, one of my favorites, who died way before he was able to truly fulfill his potential. He created illustrations for Oscar Wilde, which is another reason to love him. And Beardsley was a huge contributor to starting poster art, so choosing his style for something like this is kinda a given.

Why share it now? Because I’d like to start a series of grim reapers. Why a series of grim reapers? Because I wrote a short story about the Grim Reaper’s son that I outlined into a book. Hmmm… Is there a pattern with me here? Writing stories about sons and fathers. Actually, I’ve written quite a few short stories about Grim. I should drag them all out and reread them.

Otherwise, I’ve made no progress on Angels Dark and Dumb except for some work on cover copy. Covers are still being revitalized. And Lydia Deetz is in the works and will hopefully be in next week’s status post. Have a great week!

The Missing Ladies of Horror

It occurred to me that I haven’t posted the 1st two Ladies of Horror here in the blog, so that’s what I’m posting this week with my usual status or rant. As you can see, it’s Lilly Munster and the Bride of Frankenstein. One thing I’ve noticed is that they are getting better with each one I do. Everything was flat for these ladies and I’ve been playing with gradients with the more current ladies. I’ve also been getting braver on making changes to some of the line work. I finished Elvira, but you won’t see her here until next week or so. She’s up on Deviant Art @meanwinniejean if you want to see her there. I’ll always reveal the new ladies there first going forward. BTW, Lydia Deetz is in the works.

What else is up? I’m trying to find direction or training on how to draw zombies. I have this expectation that zombies need to look the scientific way of decomposition and that someone out there has created detailed instructions on how this works and how it should be drawn at various stages. Seems I’m sadly mistaken or need your help finding what I’m searching for. I spent a number of hours last week looking for blogs or YouTube videos that instruct in this way, but couldn’t find what I was looking for. I did find How to Draw Zombies video by David Finch that I should mention. Best part of the video is early on, when he goes over the usual stances for zombies. I found the rest of the video okay. It just got a little boring to watch because it was so long. I also felt the main zombie he drew was washed out. I really want to learn how to draw flesh wounds and shrinkage that pops.

Otherwise, covers are still under renovation, and there are a few other projects in the works that you’ll have to wait to see and hear about until next week. See you then.

Improved Covers on the Way

Azael the Fallen Angel in the Angels Dark and Dumb Series

I’m really starting to enjoy writing these weekly reports. This weeks should be short though. While I had a very busy week, it was filled with communications with my Angels Dark and Dumb cover artist, R L Treadway at Atrtink, who has been creating my covers for years. She does the amazing character drawings for me as well. This is Azael, who is the antagonist in Fall for Freedom, Warrant for Damnation, and Cause for Redemption along with Margery the Demon. Besides changing the series name, she’ll be doing a minor overhaul of my covers to make them more colorful. Can’t wait to see how they turn out. I highly suggest her if you need any kind of artwork.

Anyway, I learned that changing the name of a series requires the publication of a new edition. So, yes, I’ll be doing this for the 3rd time. Figure I’ll rewrite descriptions and do all the work needed to refresh the series too, which means it’ll take a few weeks to publish Warrant for Damnation along with the others.

In other news, I created a Deviant Art account @meanwinniejean. Drop by and watch me. I’m hoping to upload all in the Ladies of Horror this week.

And finally, I posted an interview with myself on my company blog under my real name. Go to Interview with Wendy Spurlin, Founder of ArmLin House to learn more about the real me.

I guess this wasn’t as short as I expected. Have a great week!