Can you believe it? Almost 20? WOW! I had to go look up how long blogs have been around and found they started in 1994. That’s 10 years before I started this one. It was originally on the free WordPress site and then I created my own website. I tried a few other sites like Blogger, but WordPress has been my choice of website/blog tools most years.
Now that I’ve completely and totally bored you with technology talk, let me introduce this week’s artwork. This is called Drifting In or Floating In. Done for my Drawing I class, so it’s a photo of an old school piece that was done with ink and black watercolor. I don’t remember the exact assignment though. I think it had to do with foreground and background landscapes.
Unfortunately, there is a delay on the release of the new editions of Angels Dark and Dumb. Going day-to-day at the moment, still working on the new, improved covers. Until further notice, Warrant for Damnation will remain free upon request. While it is more than worth the wait for the new covers, I’m starting to feel like a kid at Christmas. LOL! At my age, I guess it’s a good thing.
The only other big news is that I finished the blog post I mentioned a few weeks ago about remaking the Angels Dark and Dumb. The Remaking of a Fiction Series and Why You Should Consider Remaking Yours is live on the ArmLin House blog, which is my media company’s website. You will find it particularly interesting if you are also a fiction writer.
That is all this week…talk to ya next week…