Deceiving question. It’s the first thing that came to mind after starting a trip from Denver to Chicago with the weather like this picture, and the pattern of weather was moving in the direction we were traveling. Yes, delays…
Anyway, I’m doing as promised…writing my weekly status report. I love calling them that because it reminds me of all the boring status reports I’ve written over the years, and that I’m probably boring my audience.
I love snow, so 6 inches of it is always welcome. And Colorado is so dry, we need it. Oh, Lord, I’m talking about weather again.
Warrant for Damnation News
Still working on the final EPUB copy/review. As mentioned, you will get a free copy when you sign up for my newsletter. No news on when you can sign up for it because I’ve been in Chicago. Soon.
If you didn’t see it on Instagram, my only other news is that Vampira in Andrew Nagel style is done. Enjoy her! She turned out pretty damn good. Lily Munster and Bride of Frankenstein is there too. Next up…Moricia Addams. Yes, it’ll be Carolyn Jones from the TV show. I feel like I need to do the older shows/movies first, but Anjelica Huston is also a must do later. I will take requests, so if you have one, drop it in the comments. Must be a woman of horror.