Going back to an old class project again this week. The assignment was to choose some art styles, and this one is Punk art. This style tends to have words and look more poster-ish. Did this in Canva and Adobe Photoshop.
Have been playing around with Adobe Express, which used to have a different name. It’s basically equivalent to Canva. I think I prefer it because they are doing a better job of integrating their AI image generator. I generally prefer navigation around the screen there too. I have used Canva forever and I think I just got too settled using it.
Minor news on Angels Dark and Dumb. I was able to review updates to Barry on the first 2 book covers. And Margery is done, but I’ll wait until next week to reveal her. Everything should be done by then, and I should be able to republish everything as well.
In other exciting Angels Dark and Dumb news, I’m making progress on the updated outline. I finished a pass through it and am still happy with the general story. I’m not happy with Barry’s character arc, so that will require another pass through the outline. The good news is that I plan to release the book on Vella as it’s being written, so you won’t have to wait 10 years for another book.
Until next week…