Angels Dark and Dumb Releasing on Kindle Vella

Sharing one of my favorite horror collages. These were originally done to identify where to read horror, but I’ve decided to remove the banners and just go with the collages going forward. I like how the orange lady bugs create contrast in this one. Lately, I’ve been thinking of pairing these with a horror poem. I may have mentioned this already in a post a couple weeks ago. Then I look at my task list and laugh. Yeah, fit in yet another project. What am I nuts.

Angels Dark and Dumb News: I started releasing the series on Kindle Vella. It starts with Fall for Freedom and goes through the series from there. Click here to go to the series page and read.

Short and sweet this week. Have a great day!

Drink Til You Puke

Going back to an old class project again this week. The assignment was to choose some art styles, and this one is Punk art. This style tends to have words and look more poster-ish. Did this in Canva and Adobe Photoshop.

Have been playing around with Adobe Express, which used to have a different name. It’s basically equivalent to Canva. I think I prefer it because they are doing a better job of integrating their AI image generator. I generally prefer navigation around the screen there too. I have used Canva forever and I think I just got too settled using it.

Minor news on Angels Dark and Dumb. I was able to review updates to Barry on the first 2 book covers. And Margery is done, but I’ll wait until next week to reveal her. Everything should be done by then, and I should be able to republish everything as well.

In other exciting Angels Dark and Dumb news, I’m making progress on the updated outline. I finished a pass through it and am still happy with the general story. I’m not happy with Barry’s character arc, so that will require another pass through the outline. The good news is that I plan to release the book on Vella as it’s being written, so you won’t have to wait 10 years for another book.

Until next week…

Run the Gauntlet

This is all I got for ya this week. It’s an old perspective assignment from my Drawing I class. Also happens to be the hallway to my bathroom, minus the holes and knives of course. My favorite part of doing this drawing was finding the mix of handles for the assorted sharp objects.

Next week I should have book covers. Hopefully all the books in Angels Dark and Dumb will also be published/republished. I’m also writing an informative blog post for the ArmLin House Production blog on the remaking of a book series. So far, I’ve acquired the experience of changing my author name from W. J. Howard to Winnie Jean Howard along with changing the series name, two things that kinda make it time consuming to publish. It’s also taken me way too long to write each of the books. Oh yeah, and my experience with way too many publishers for book 1. Blah blah blah…forever complaining about this series. Truth is I like to do things the hard way.

Saw the new Evil Dead Rise this week too. I give it an average review. As I would, I really wanted more comedic moments. Thing I liked most about the movie was the dark and dreary atmosphere and setting. High budget, so of course the special effects were done well. Not gross or shocking enough for me, but good mainstream horror movie.

Enjoy your week!

They Are Free!

Fall for Freedom and Call for Obstruction are FREE on Amazon until April 17th. This is the last freebie before Call for Obstruction is taken off KU, so get it ASAP if you haven’t read it!

In celebration of the changing series name from The Courier to Angels Dark & Dumb, as well as the release of Warrant for Damnation next month, you can get it FREE in an EPUB until it’s published. Here’s how:

1. Follow the Contact link in the menu above to the Contact form.

2. Fill out the form and identify in the “Share Your Thoughts” field that you would like a free copy of the EPUB for Warrant for Damnation.

3. I will email you a copy of the EPUB within 48 hours.

That’s 3 books you can get free to enter Barry’s world. I hope you enjoy the read!

Want an EPUB Copy of Warrant for Damnation?

It’s done! The EPUB for Warrant for Damnation is done and ready for you to read. Yes, this is an old picture of the book. Still waiting on the new and improved cover. Here’s the new book description:

I thought I’d hit rock bottom when I pissed off Satan and ended up on Hell’s Most Wanted List. 

Then something worse happened. A fallen angel with a nun fetish and a desire to rob humans of free will showed up. He’s Azael, the deadbeat dad I’ve never known, and he wants me at his side, expanding his rein over demons and mankind. God’s pissed too but willing to give me asylum if I annihilate Azael. What? Me? Destroy a fallen angel? I think they’ve got the wrong guy!

Warrant for Damnation is the second book in the Angels Dark and Dumb series: “bad taste” horror comedy at its best. The series is know for its unique characters and dark humor. If you like slapstick, farce, and dark humor, you’re sure to have a damned good time!

This book takes Barry to new places with a bunch of new characters. Don’t worry, Margery the Demon is still the usual menace. Warrant for Damnation ties into Barry’s Dad’s introduction in Fall for Freedom, so if you find yourself wondering, you’ll want to read the prequel as well.

If you would like to read the book before it’s published, use my contact form to request it. I’ll email you a copy ASAP.

The Lydia Deetz portrait in Nagel style is also done. Currently, it’s only available to view on Deviant Art. Next week I’ll release it here.

Have a great week! I’m going into it feeling like I’ve finally accomplished something with this series after way to many years.