Took the entire weekend off last week for the first time in months to enjoy Mother’s Day and play with real paints and digital drawings. Here’s a digital drawing start of Fatso, one of the obnoxious ghosts from the Casper movie. Remember it? I watch it every Halloween month, mostly because I’m a huge Christina Ricci fan. Such a fun movie. This is from a hilarious scene where he becomes the deceased mother of Christina Ricci to kiss her father.
Fatso’s part of my Ladies of Horror series where I take a well known female horror character and turn her into a Patrick Nagel painting. I’m getting kinda bored with the tracings, so this has been extra fun to do. Taking me a bit of time to work on because I’m not the greatest with gradients yet. The character just works so much better with depth. Took me forever to get the hair the way I like it, and as a critical artist, I could five you a list of things I still hate about it. Hoping to get it done before next week’s status.
Big news on Angels Dark and Dumb. I’ve changed the name of the third book based on some critique advice I got from a writer friend. Originally the title was Cause for Redemption. The title goes well with Call for Obstruction and Warrant for Damnation, it following a similar pattern of words. But, again, it kinda has a lack of comedy feel. So, I’m changing the title to something I came up with a while back. Are you ready for it? Big reveal…
On the Corner of Hell and Second Chances
What do you think? It actually goes well with the titles for the three next books in the series. Yes, I’ve gotten as far in naming and detailing the ideas for them. Let’s just hope it doesn’t take another 10 years to see them published.