I got another lady of horror in Patrick Nagel style done this week. Guess who she is? Actually, all you gotta do is go to the Vampira post and you’ll find out. Anyway, if you guessed Morticia Addams, you are right. While I’m really happy how she turned out, I’m not happy with the likeness. Spoken like a true artist…never happy and always finding the flaws no one else can see.
I have a long list of other ladies to do, eleven more in total with Elvira coming up next. Got a little help with the list from fellow artist, Lauren Curtis, who is also my art/marketing coach. Her website art gallery is worth a look.

What else happened this week? A whole bunch more Places to Read Horror collages, this being my favorites of the bunch. You’ll have to follow me on social media if you want to see more.
The only other exciting thing from last week is that I saw Cocaine Bear. What a hoot!!! Since I’ve decided not to do official reviews anymore, you’ll have to take my word that I laughed my ass off. Margo Martindale’s story line was the best. Sorry, no spoilers. You’ll have to see it yourself. And the main thing I really loved about the movie was that Elizabeth Banks produced and directed the movie. What an inspiration because men still dominate the horror comedy, in bad taste entertainment that I love to write and create in art.
Have a great week! Mine will be spent trying to change the name of The Courier to Angel’s Dark and Dumb. Wish me LUCK!