Crazy week with only this to share as one of last week’s creations. A very simple one to create, and I guess I could have been more creative with it. Maybe added a few people to the collage.
Not much progress on finishing the final review of Warrant for Damnation. Right now I’m flooded with that feeling of having way too much on my to do list. That vicious cycle of moving tasks from day to day until you have a list you can’t possibly accomplish in a year let along a day or a week. Yeah, that’s me so far in 2023.
So, I guess the inspiration for the crazy giant bugs invading town is about me being invaded with too many expectations. Yeah, I need some cheese with my whine.
Stay tuned. I’ve got a fun chapter in Warrant for Damnation to share next week. Reviewed it last week and thought you might like a preview.