Happy start of Halloween! I’ll be doing a bunch of Halloween inspired collages and this is the first one for the month. I’ve moved to Photoshop as I had mentioned to try to make them look better. I really need the practice anyway.
Every year I go on a horror movie marathon, usually watching a number of movies I’ve seen before. This year I’ve decided to only watch movies I haven’t seen. This week I watched 4 movies, so I need to step up my game since I wanted to watch at least 1 a day.
The Hunt, Us, and The People Under the Stairs were my favorites. Can’t believe I haven’t seen these. Then again, I tend to ignore the big Hollywood horror productions, preferring indie horror, especially when it comes to zombie movies.
Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey sucked! The whole movie was a slow motion torture fest in a bad way. I remember seeing critiques around turning Winnie the Pooh into a horror characters, so that was the draw. They really need to stop at one of these because it was soooo boring.
Have a great week!