As the month of May comes to an end, it’s odd to think we are almost half way through the year. Feels like I accomplished a lot, but there’s so much more to do. That endless task list seems to grow, including wanting to do more horror collages.
The collage on the right is the only one I was able to accomplish this month. Then again, maybe I should be happy I can accomplish at least 1 a month. This one was fun, filling the room with a vampire scene. I used photos and AI for this one. Quite shocked that the chandelier turned out as well as it did using AI.
Lots of other AI usage via ChatGPT this month. I’m amazed by how well it works for the written word considering the issues I’ve had with image generators. The only issue I’ve encountered so far is a misunderstanding of relationships, with it insisting two characters were mother and daughter. It still hasn’t learned the relationship dynamics.
I hope you’re enjoying the Evil in Pop Culture series I’m doing with AI. It’s been fun to generate all of the evil stepmother content with more coming. I’m having a hard time trying to figure out all the content needed for each evil character, but AI will help with that.