Howdy all! It’s been a long time! I have overhauled the site and will be active again on my blog. Every week I’ll share what I’m up to along with things I recommend you check out like I have in the past. So, here’s what’s been happening lately.

Warrant for Damnation, The Courier Book 2
It’s finally happening. I’m doing the final formatting, and the Warrant for Damnation EPUB will be published soon. Sorry, no date. In fact, there will be very little marketing for the book until book 3 is done. Considering how long it took me to finish Warrant for Damnation, dates are just not on my agenda. I will say that I’m actively writing Cause for Redemption and will share it here like I have the other books.
I’ll be giving away copies of Warrant for Damnation to anyone who signs up for my email list, so stay tuned on how to get a free copy.
My Artwork on Social Media

I’ve been playing with these collages that I release on social media every couple weeks. See my links below if you’d like them in your feed.
They are loads of fun to do and easy as well. I do them on Canva, which is becoming easier and easier to use to do these types of graphics.
I’m also releasing the Ladies of Horror in Patrick Nagel’s style from the 80s on social media as well.
After returning to school to become a graphic designer, it’s important to me to keep the artistic designs flowing.
How to Help Me This Week
Every week, I end my status report by nicely begging you to help promote my work. This week I’ll just put you on the spot to follow me on social media. Still at the same sites, but also on TikTok now, although there’s a pretty pathetic offering there. More soon because I LOVE creating short videos.
Facebook ~ Instagram ~ Twitter ~ TikTok
Thank you and have a GREAT week!