The Missing Ladies of Horror

It occurred to me that I haven’t posted the 1st two Ladies of Horror here in the blog, so that’s what I’m posting this week with my usual status or rant. As you can see, it’s Lilly Munster and the Bride of Frankenstein. One thing I’ve noticed is that they are getting better with each one I do. Everything was flat for these ladies and I’ve been playing with gradients with the more current ladies. I’ve also been getting braver on making changes to some of the line work. I finished Elvira, but you won’t see her here until next week or so. She’s up on Deviant Art @meanwinniejean if you want to see her there. I’ll always reveal the new ladies there first going forward. BTW, Lydia Deetz is in the works.

What else is up? I’m trying to find direction or training on how to draw zombies. I have this expectation that zombies need to look the scientific way of decomposition and that someone out there has created detailed instructions on how this works and how it should be drawn at various stages. Seems I’m sadly mistaken or need your help finding what I’m searching for. I spent a number of hours last week looking for blogs or YouTube videos that instruct in this way, but couldn’t find what I was looking for. I did find How to Draw Zombies video by David Finch that I should mention. Best part of the video is early on, when he goes over the usual stances for zombies. I found the rest of the video okay. It just got a little boring to watch because it was so long. I also felt the main zombie he drew was washed out. I really want to learn how to draw flesh wounds and shrinkage that pops.

Otherwise, covers are still under renovation, and there are a few other projects in the works that you’ll have to wait to see and hear about until next week. See you then.

Who Does She Look Like?

I got another lady of horror in Patrick Nagel style done this week. Guess who she is? Actually, all you gotta do is go to the Vampira post and you’ll find out. Anyway, if you guessed Morticia Addams, you are right. While I’m really happy how she turned out, I’m not happy with the likeness. Spoken like a true artist…never happy and always finding the flaws no one else can see.

I have a long list of other ladies to do, eleven more in total with Elvira coming up next. Got a little help with the list from fellow artist, Lauren Curtis, who is also my art/marketing coach. Her website art gallery is worth a look.

What else happened this week? A whole bunch more Places to Read Horror collages, this being my favorites of the bunch. You’ll have to follow me on social media if you want to see more.

The only other exciting thing from last week is that I saw Cocaine Bear. What a hoot!!! Since I’ve decided not to do official reviews anymore, you’ll have to take my word that I laughed my ass off. Margo Martindale’s story line was the best. Sorry, no spoilers. You’ll have to see it yourself. And the main thing I really loved about the movie was that Elizabeth Banks produced and directed the movie. What an inspiration because men still dominate the horror comedy, in bad taste entertainment that I love to write and create in art.

Have a great week! Mine will be spent trying to change the name of The Courier to Angel’s Dark and Dumb. Wish me LUCK!

Invasion of the Crazy Giant Bugs

Crazy week with only this to share as one of last week’s creations. A very simple one to create, and I guess I could have been more creative with it. Maybe added a few people to the collage.

Not much progress on finishing the final review of Warrant for Damnation. Right now I’m flooded with that feeling of having way too much on my to do list. That vicious cycle of moving tasks from day to day until you have a list you can’t possibly accomplish in a year let along a day or a week. Yeah, that’s me so far in 2023.

So, I guess the inspiration for the crazy giant bugs invading town is about me being invaded with too many expectations. Yeah, I need some cheese with my whine.

Stay tuned. I’ve got a fun chapter in Warrant for Damnation to share next week. Reviewed it last week and thought you might like a preview.

Time Flies When You’re Having Fun…or Does it?

Deceiving question. It’s the first thing that came to mind after starting a trip from Denver to Chicago with the weather like this picture, and the pattern of weather was moving in the direction we were traveling. Yes, delays…

Anyway, I’m doing as promised…writing my weekly status report. I love calling them that because it reminds me of all the boring status reports I’ve written over the years, and that I’m probably boring my audience.

I love snow, so 6 inches of it is always welcome. And Colorado is so dry, we need it. Oh, Lord, I’m talking about weather again.

Warrant for Damnation News

Still working on the final EPUB copy/review. As mentioned, you will get a free copy when you sign up for my newsletter. No news on when you can sign up for it because I’ve been in Chicago. Soon.


If you didn’t see it on Instagram, my only other news is that Vampira in Andrew Nagel style is done. Enjoy her! She turned out pretty damn good. Lily Munster and Bride of Frankenstein is there too. Next up…Moricia Addams. Yes, it’ll be Carolyn Jones from the TV show. I feel like I need to do the older shows/movies first, but Anjelica Huston is also a must do later. I will take requests, so if you have one, drop it in the comments. Must be a woman of horror.

Welcome & What’s Happening

Howdy all! It’s been a long time! I have overhauled the site and will be active again on my blog. Every week I’ll share what I’m up to along with things I recommend you check out like I have in the past. So, here’s what’s been happening lately.

Warrant for Damnation, The Courier Book 2

It’s finally happening. I’m doing the final formatting, and the Warrant for Damnation EPUB will be published soon. Sorry, no date. In fact, there will be very little marketing for the book until book 3 is done. Considering how long it took me to finish Warrant for Damnation, dates are just not on my agenda. I will say that I’m actively writing Cause for Redemption and will share it here like I have the other books.

I’ll be giving away copies of Warrant for Damnation to anyone who signs up for my email list, so stay tuned on how to get a free copy.

My Artwork on Social Media

I’ve been playing with these collages that I release on social media every couple weeks. See my links below if you’d like them in your feed.

They are loads of fun to do and easy as well. I do them on Canva, which is becoming easier and easier to use to do these types of graphics.

I’m also releasing the Ladies of Horror in Patrick Nagel’s style from the 80s on social media as well.

After returning to school to become a graphic designer, it’s important to me to keep the artistic designs flowing.

How to Help Me This Week

Every week, I end my status report by nicely begging you to help promote my work. This week I’ll just put you on the spot to follow me on social media. Still at the same sites, but also on TikTok now, although there’s a pretty pathetic offering there. More soon because I LOVE creating short videos.

Facebook ~ Instagram ~ Twitter ~ TikTok

Thank you and have a GREAT week!