Winnie’s Weekly Wonders: Vampires in the House

As the month of May comes to an end, it’s odd to think we are almost half way through the year. Feels like I accomplished a lot, but there’s so much more to do. That endless task list seems to grow, including wanting to do more horror collages.

The collage on the right is the only one I was able to accomplish this month. Then again, maybe I should be happy I can accomplish at least 1 a month. This one was fun, filling the room with a vampire scene. I used photos and AI for this one. Quite shocked that the chandelier turned out as well as it did using AI.

Lots of other AI usage via ChatGPT this month. I’m amazed by how well it works for the written word considering the issues I’ve had with image generators. The only issue I’ve encountered so far is a misunderstanding of relationships, with it insisting two characters were mother and daughter. It still hasn’t learned the relationship dynamics.

I hope you’re enjoying the Evil in Pop Culture series I’m doing with AI. It’s been fun to generate all of the evil stepmother content with more coming. I’m having a hard time trying to figure out all the content needed for each evil character, but AI will help with that.

It’s Been A While…Again

Yes…it’s been a while. More than a month this time between status reports. Anyway, I’m sharing the collage I did for Easter with the evil bunny Easter egg hunt featured to the right. It’s not complete. I wanted to add blood and smoke. Maybe I’ll finish it later, when I start to publish all the collages in a book.

I’ve been very busy with ArmLin House work, which is why I haven’t been here much. And last week I finished a painting that’s been sitting around forever. Worked on it in between a visit to the theater to see Civil War. It was a good movie and properly showcased mans inhumanity to man, although it could have been a bit more brutal. I love Kristen Dunst, and she was excellent in the film.

Here’s the painting, also inspired by Hilma af Klint. Not sure I’m going to do anymore of these that are more similar to her work. I really want to do something that’s more dark like me.

I did another painting that’s basically a bunch of brush stokes with a lot of black. I had a technique in mind, but I got a little distracted with it, so I really hated it at first. Next morning, when I got up and looked at it, I wasn’t quite so critical. I started with a few stencils and wanted to go with outlines, but I started to use the stencils as stamps. It didn’t work as well as I’d hoped. Still want to try my original idea.

Otherwise, I did a little writing/editing of the next Angels Dark and Dumb book and continue to struggled my way through the next illustration for The Pumpkin and the Mouse Jinn. Hopefully I’ll have it done before I do another one of these posts.

And, last but not least, I started the Evil in Pop Culture series using AI. The first part is in a post before this one. I started with the infamous evil stepmother. In fact, the first book will probably be all evil women.

That’s all for now. Hoping to be back soon with some more artwork and news.

Where have I been? Dabbling in the Occult…Collage

WOW! Didn’t realize it’s been a month since my last post. Where have I been? Well, creating the collage to the left is one thing I’ve been up to. I love this one, although it took forever to come together. I started with just the star carved in wood background and placed all the other items, so this one was very involved.

Watched a few horror shows/movies worth watching. In Dark Harvest there’s a “deadly annual ritual in a small town and Sawtooth Jack, rises from the cornfields and challenges the town’s teenage boys in a bloody battle of survival.” All around good acting, characters, effects, etc. Generally a slasher movie if you like that sort of movie, which I was up for when I watched. Also appreciated that they set it in the 1940s.

Also enjoyed Midnight Mass, “an isolated island community experiences miraculous events – and frightening omens – after the arrival of a charismatic, mysterious young priest.” Overall great story line with well rounded characters. Very much about relationships with horror around holding on to the past.

Making some progress on The Pumpkin and the Jinn. New page to show off. Here, the pumpkin wishes himself into a dark truck on the way to market. He’s not very happy about it. I just noticed I haven’t added tears to this one, so back to that page for some more details.

I’ve been having a lot more fun with Adobe’s Firefly AI image generator. If you’d like to see more fun with the Grim Reaper, drop by my Instagram account. There are also a few more for the Heaven and Hell series there.

So, I’ve been pretty busy with art projects. Not so busy with writing, although I have been playing with a few AI text generators, including EditPad, Sudowrite, and Claude. Really love how Sudowrite works, so I’m thinking of writing a series with it. EditPad is good for a blog post and I’m pretty impressed with how little editing I need to do with what it generates for free. I need to spend more time on Claude, but I did ask it to write a story about Nita, who will serve Satan by running his restaurant on Earth in her own series after the end of the Angels Dark and Dumb first trilogy is complete in The Corner of Hell and Second Chances. I gave it no history about the series, so it made everything up including the main character’s name. Here’s the prompt and the story if you’re interested in reading it. The story’s not that interesting and doesn’t have much of a plot, but it’s well written.

Here is a fantasy story about a waitress who works in Satan’s diner, and is a God-created daughter of light possessed by a demon:

The Fallen Daughter

Amara had been an angel once – a pure daughter of light created by God himself to bring joy and grace to the mortal realm. But that had all changed the night the demon Malacai invaded her celestial form, twisting her brilliant aura into smoldering embers of corruption.

Now she walked among the denizens of the underworld, trapped as a server at Lucifer’s Pit Stop Diner on the outskirts of Hell. Her once radiant beauty was still evident beneath the demonic possession – flowing blonde locks, porcelain skin, and haunting azure eyes. But they stood in stark contrast to the infernal diner and its customers.

“Order up!” growled the flaming cook, Belior, sliding a platter of molten lava cakes onto the scorching hot counter. Amara snatched it up, the searing heat not even fazing her tainted flesh.

She wove between the booths packed with belching hellhounds, cackling witches, and foul-mouthed dwarven miners fresh off the night shift. Reaching a secluded corner table, she stopped before its solitary occupant – a wizened demon with ash-gray skin and curved horns protruding from a misshapen skull.

“Your desssssert,” Amara hissed, her voice a mixture of celestial harmony and demonic rasp as Malacai’s influence briefly flickered across her face.

The demon barely looked up from the arcane tome he was studying. With a clawed hand, he waved her off in clear dismissal. Amara’s jaw clenched in frustration. Even in this wretched place, she refused to be treated like a common servant.

Defiantly, she slammed the molten lava cakes down on the table, splattering small globs across the demon’s precious book. He reared back with a animalistic snarl of rage. Before he could utter a curse, Amara locked eyes with him, her irises pulsing brilliant blue for just a moment.

The demon instantly calmed, his anger melting away into an almost trancelike calm. With a slight nod, he returned to his studies as if nothing had occurred. Amara spun on her heel and continued on her rounds, a small smile playing across her lush lips.

The demon’s willpower was negligible compared to the strength of angelic mind control granted by her divine origins. Malacai’s possession had robbed her of so much light and goodness, but some holy powers still lingered. One day she would break free from this wicked place, Amara vowed to herself. One day soon.

A Good Horror TV Shows & a Werewolf Gets a Manicure

Werewolves need manicures too! This is what AI thinks it looks like. Stumped again! I had a hard time finding just the right style and mood for these AI generated images. The challenge was keeping the werewolf in the picture. It wanted to replace it with humans like it did with the demons. This is my favorite. More on my Instagram account. Searches were progressive, starting with the first keywords below.

werewolf getting a manicure; werewolf with red nail polish; werewolf filing claws; spa setting; long claws; smiling; towel; yellow glowing eyes; wax treatment;

I watched the new Fall of the House of Usher series over the last few weeks and it was awesome and highly suggested. The modern take on Edgar Allan Poe was quite well done. Creative spins on the deaths of the family members. Interesting that I had reread the main tale recently and then saw the show on Netflix, which of course was the driving factor to get me started. What shall I do next?

Also want to mention that I’ve been working on a children’s book I wrote a number of years ago, The Mouse Jinn and the Pumpkin. The mouse to the left the main character in the story. His magic is in his red mittens. Like most jinns, he grants wishes that don’t always turn out as expected. I’ve finished all the mice for the illustrations and have started the backgrounds for the story. The book will be done and out before Halloween this year under my real name, Wendy Spurlin. Stay tuned for some more images.

Why Image Generators Need Much Work

I’m not feeling threatened by AI image generators this week because I totally stumped Adobe Firefly with this strange ask below:

demon; eating tacos; in taco bell in a booth; horns on head; evil look; masculine; wearing a red t shirt

I also added ‘bulls head’ to the ask because I couldn’t get a demon look without adding an animal to the mix. Every search resulted in a human look including women with the masculine ask. Before I added ‘wearing a red t-shirt’ they were all wearing suits.

The image to the right is pretty similar to most of the results with different art styles as I changed the query. So AI thinks humans are demons, which of course is correct.

If you wanna see more of the results, check out my @meanwinniejean Instagram account.

I watched The Pope’s Exorcist this week. Was kinda in a mood for demons after trying to get the image generator to create demons eating tacos. The movie starts with this, which I loved. Fun going in knowing that the story is based on a real priest, but the movie was way beyond reality.

“When we jeer at the Devil and tell ourselves that he does not exist, that is when he is happiest.”

Father Gabriele Amorth
Chief Exorcist of the Vatican 1986-2016

Obviously a high-budget horror flick, so I appreciated the dark, dreary settings and quality acting. While a priest who performs exorcists is thrown out of his position, a family moves into an old, broken down abbey. Nice set up! But the Pope has to pull Russel Crowe back into the mix when a demon possesses a kid in the family. I loved the plot or demon’s intention in the storyline, which I won’t spoil.

Russel Crowe and the possessed kid were good, with all the other characters way too minor in the story. I appreciated that they jumped into the action right away. I wasn’t bored at any point while I watched, so no checking my email while watching. But the cringe and squirm in your seat wasn’t there for this horror freak. The movie is worth watching, especially if you prefer light horror.

That sums up my week. Did you watch any new horror films, good or bad?